Need Your Help

Hey there friends!

I need your help.

Things have been looking up with the addition of the CardBot to the business and all that. However, the cash crunch I’ve been experiencing hasn’t yet gone away. Sales are slowly catching back up as I add more inventory, but I’m sure you understand if you’ve sold on TCGplayer that you don’t receive your payments for 2 to 3 weeks after you make those sales, especially if through Direct x.x And even then, it’s not really ramping back up fast enough right now, since I’m still rebuilding from the Direct meltdown over the summer.

So, in order to have enough cash to make it through the month, I’m asking. If you have been considering picking up something from the Shop – do so now. If you need an inordinate amount of Weiss Schwarz bulk, let me know. If you aren’t really seeing something you like, but you know someone who would love something you see, then join the Affiliate program and send them a referral. They get what they want and you get a lil ol kickback for it. If you use the coupon code “helpchase” at checkout, it will save an extra 10% through Friday.

I promise I haven’t forgotten about all of you, I’m just scrambling to make myself stay afloat. I’m not going gently into that good night. Sorry if this message seems beggy or whiney. But I’m needing help.


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